Virgin Mobile has delayed the long-awaited Android Froyo update expected for the Samsung Intercept. Originally slated for March 25th, the update has since been delayed multiple times, first to April 4th and now to an undisclosed timeframe in the middle of the the month. The update was expected by many Intercept owners as it’s meant to fix longstanding issues with device stability and usability as well as adding additional features.
In related news, Virgin Mobile has also increased the MSRP of the more popular than expected LG Optimus V from its launch pricing of $149.99 inline with the Intercept at $199.99 across Target, Best Buy, Radio Shack and online, reflecting Virgin Mobile’s pattern of driving launch sales with deep discounts then quietly increasing retail pricing after initial launch.
It should be noted that the increase is not universal, as select Wal-Mart locations are still selling the phone for its original $149.99 MSRP, although calling ahead for pricing is still recommended as pricing can change at anytime.
i just got word from virgin mobile the the updat will avaiable 4/11 thru the 4/21
got a text saying upgrade coming 4/11. Linked to these instructions: