Verizon to Launch Exilim and Rival on June 10th

Verizon will launch two devices on June 10th, one long-awaited in the Casio Exilim and one new form factor from Motorola in the Rival.

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The Casio Exilim C721 is a variant of the W51CA found on Japanese carrier KDDI AU and features a 5.1 megapixel camera with auto-focus, video recorder, and xenon flash along with a swiveling bezel for the 2.4 inch QVGA display, microSDHC expansion slot, Bluetooth with stereo audio support, and speakerphone along with VCAST support and GPS via VZNavigator.

The Motorola A455 Rival is a horizontal slider that features a QWERTY keyboard, touch display for the standard dialing pad activated with the dedicated key when the keyboard is closed, microSDHC expansion slot, media player, VCAST support, GPS support via VZNavigator, 2.0 megapixel camera with video recorder, Bluetooth, and speakerphone.

The C721 will be available for $449.99 Month-to-Month, $399.99 after a new 1 year agreement or $329.99 after a new 2 year agreement before an additional $50 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $349.99 and $279.99. The Rival will be available for $269.99 Month-to-Month, $219.99 on Verizon Prepaid and a new 1 year agreement, or $149.99 after a new 2 year agreement before a $50 mail-in rebate, bringing the totals to $169.99 and $99.99 respectively.

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Verizon to Launch Exilim and Rival on June 10th”

  1. Whatever

    The Motorola Rival looks SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. FCC Approves Verizon Casio Exilim |

    […] previously reported, the Casio Exilim C721 is a variant of the W51CA found on Japanese carrier KDDI AU and features a […]

  3. Verizon Launches Motorola Rival and Casio Exilim |

    […] previously reported, the Casio Exilim C721 is a variant of the W51CA found on Japanese carrier KDDI AU and features a […]