Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

One response to “Verizon Details Amended Device Installment Plan Ahead of Official Launch”

  1. Casey

    I don’t quite understand what they are trying to do?

    The only way a device will cost more than $350 is if you pay full price. Which doesn’t require a two year agreement. But the cost of monthly service does not go down.

    If a person wants a new phone every year they might as well take the ~$400 Verizon knocks off the price of the phone upon signing the initial agreement. Because either way they will pay full price for the next phone in 12 months.

    I really hope América Móvil (Straight Talk / Net10) get 4G access soon. I’ll be moving from post paid to pre-paid ASAP. I’ll set the monthly savings to the side and use it to buy a new phone every year.