The first official image and confirmed information for an unnamed Android device has surfaced which is slated for release on regional flat-rate carrier Cricket in November according to the latest information. The device is currently in the hands of select representatives testing with Android 2.1 and slated to launch in November with 2.2 and a further upgrade to 3.0 in 2011. Pricing is expected to fall between $129-$179.
What, they committed to 3.0! In 2011 is a big time frame, but these guy’s actually saying something, anything!
Ask Behold II owners how Samsung’s “saying something” played out with Android 2.0…
Huawei has a rare opportunity to make a good first impression when it comes to Android firmware, hopefully they don’t waste it.
[…] it’s not the IDEOS, Huawei should have an Android handset ready for Cricket in November. reports that the device, yet unnamed, will come stock with Android 2.1 with upgrades to 2.2 and 3.0 […]