Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Tether – X Tethering Application Available for Windows Phone 8”

  1. Darrell Kotrbe

    Hey Man: I have set up my tether x at least five times and it never gets internet access. It connects, but no internet. After a few minutes the adhoc I created just disappears and cannot be detected. pretty bummed, right now it seems like the worst five bucks I ever spent. any ideas> thanks.

    1. Corey

      Your computer will show ‘no internet access’ because all it has access to is the proxy. The proxy then has access to the internet from there.

  2. Mikey

    Will this work for the Sprint HTC 8xT WP8 as well? I have been trying and trying to get it to go through but when I go to the phones portion of it, it says it cannot connect.