Target is set to launch its own virtual operator in a bid to compete with Walmart and its Straight Talk venture with Brightspot, set to launch this Sunday and powered by T-Mobile. The key differences being touted as advantages by Target against Straight Talk and Verizon include an additional 5% discount with monthly service when tied to a RED Card as well as Gift Cards worth $25 with every 6 months of continuous service. The service plans are as follows below:
- Unlimited Talk and Text: $35 with no data access
- Unlimited Talk, Text and Data: $50 with 1GB of 4G speed with throttling after 1GB
- Unlimited Talk, Text and Data: $65 with 4GB of 4G speed with throttling after 4GB
- International Texting: Additional $5 monthly on top of rate plan
- International Calling and Texting: Additional $10 monthly on top of rate plan
The service will offer a line of smartphones as well as activation kits with multiple SIM card sizes. The complete breakdown of the MVNO follows below:
The MVNO will also offer additional discounts to Brightspot customers through additional coupons and promotions.
“in a bid to compete with Walmart and its Straight Talk venture with Brightspot,”
Straight Talk is a Walmart venture with Brightspot?