Did Apple Violate Magnuson-Moss over iPhone Unlocks?
Apple has today stated that unlocking the iPhone is an official warranty violation. Further, they have stated that future iPhone firmware updates may damage unlocked iPhones. However, Apple may have violated an important federal warranty law in doing so. Click read more for full analysis. As this article has spread, many are not reading the […]
iPhone Unlock Now Free, Easy To Perform (Updated)
In recent weeks, several iPhone unlocks have been released and detailed. However, this latest release will likely interest the most, as it is the first to both be easy to install, and free. Unlock.app is a tool that, once copied to an iPhone, executes all the steps necessary to SIM unlock the device. After being […]
Cingular: SIM Unlock Group Changes
To get a SIM unlock code, for subsidy unlocks, you now have to call customer service. The email simunlockcode@cingular.com will now only work for Cingular employees. Upon calling customer service, they are supposed to basically send the exact same email that the customer used to be able to, along with the customer’s contact information. Once […]