Cingular Ogo Outage Leaves Supported Users In Darkness
Cingular Ogo owners have been suffering from an outage that apparently has rendered their instant messaging devices partially useless for days, with no sign the outage will end any time soon. The device, which was discontinued months after the merger with AT&T Wireless, requires communication with a central server to be able to use Instant […]
IXI Restarts Ogo, Places Bets On It
IXI Mobile today has disclosed that they plan to not only re-launch the Ogo, but make it the focus of their business strategy going forward. Cingular recently discontinued the Ogo, formerly sold by AT&T Wireless, but IXI says that they think the market is so big, that it will be their primary product when it […]
Cingular: Ogo Officially Dead
Cingular today officially confirmed the Ogo has been discontinued. PCS Intel broke news of the Ogo’s demise months ago. Cingular also said they will fully support existing customers.
Cingular: Ogo Re-Released
After numberous refusals to respond to requests, status, or any information at all… Cingular has returned the Ogo after briefly discontinuing it. has also returned. The device is still not for sale online, and its status as a continuing product is still in question. The Cingular page now directs to a phone number for […]
Cinglar: Ogo Discontinued
Cingular has discontinued the IXI Mobile Ogo CT-10. Released by AT&T Wireless, the device offered unlimited text messaging, and could even be used as a wireless modem with some modifications. Some rumors indicate a third-party (potentially in the form of an MVNO) will pick up the device, but all sales of the Ogo have ceased […]
Use Your Ogo As A Wireless Modem *Updated*
Update: Cingular is apparently not happy with this development, they have been erasing discussion of it on their AT&T forums. Expect future Ogo’s to block relaying of internet except to intended devices… Some savvy users over on have figured out how to engineer the Ogo’s Bluetooth implementation to work as a wireless modem. Considering […]
Ogo Giveaway
Over on Cingular Wireless Info, we’re giving away an Ogo. Check it out…
AT&T: Deal Alert: Ogo – $19.99 After Rebate
AT&T Wireless is having a 24 hour sale on the Ogo. They are offering an $80 Instant Rebate, which brings the price down to $49.99. Combined with an existing $30 mail-in rebate, the total price is $19.99 before shipping and tax. Also, a free case is included with all online orders. AT&T Wireless Ogo Store […]
AT&T: Ogo…
AT&T Wireless quietly put out last week the Ogo, a new text messaging device. Using their GPRS network, it is an attempt at rivaling the T-Mobile Sidekick. However, AT&T wants it to be a companion to your typical phone, rather than a replacement. The Ogo cannot make a voice call. The Ogo is structured around […]