iPod touch 2G: Finally Jailbroken
Our sister site, CentralGadget.com, has covered that the iPhone Dev Team has managed to jailbreak the iPod touch 2G. Integration into PwnageTool is a work in progress. This is great news for those that have already fired their iPhone, in favor of the newer (and faster) iPod touch (combined with Wi-Fi slinging from your favorite […]
Download: PwnageTool 2.0.2 (Mirrored)
PwnageTool 2.0.2 is now available. While we have not tested it, the update is noted to improve jailbreaking and unlocking iPhone over prior releases. In addition, the update adds support for 2.0.1 firmwares. Also, the update adds Installer.app 4.0, alongside the existing Cydia installer. As usual, we suggest users only unlock their iPhones if needed. […]
PwnageTool 2.0.1 Jailbreaks iPhone OS 2.0 – Properly (Updated)
We did not report on the release of PwnageTool 2.0, because it didn’t work. However, PwnageTool 2.0.1 is now out. And, with a little modification, the tool enables you to jailbreak (run applications without Apple’s approval) on iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod touch… all three now work with iPhone OS 2.0. In addition, the update […]
Latest iPhone, iPod touch Firmware Hacked for Third-Party Software
Hackers have once again bypassed restrictions imposed by Apple, and enabled iPhone to run third-party software. The process, known as jailbreaking, allows the user to install software onto the device, most notably Nullriver’s Installer.app, which provides access to a wide range of production-grade software. The most refined application to transact the process currently is iJailbreak, […]
Hackers Offer One-click iPhone Software via Safari
Hackers have developed a one-click method of installing third-party software onto Apple’s iPhone. While Apple has announced that they will be offering such ability in February of next year, developers have already broken through such restrictions and made hundreds of applications for iPhone. However, with the 1.1.1 firmware update, Apple further restricted this ability. The […]
Apple to Release Native SDK for iPhone/Touch in February 2008
In an open letter posted on the Apple website, CEO Steve Jobs has announced the forthcoming release of a full software development kit for those that wish to develop native applications on either the iPhone or the iPod Touch. The reason given for the delayed release to February 2008 is to provide an open platform […]
Hackers Breach Latest iPhone Firmware
Hackers have once again broken through Apple’s protections, and gained access to the latest firmware version of the iPhone. Utilizing a symbolic link exploit, hackers have gained filesystem (“jailbreak”) access to iPhone software version 1.1.1. Gaining filesystem access is the first step in breaching a firmware. While Apple has added ample protections to firmware 1.1.1 […]