iPhone 3GS Jailbreak Sn0wbreeze in Development for Windows
The first confirmation of a Windows jailbreak for the iPhone 3GS running iOS 4.1 (and the bootrom available before Fall 2009) has surfaced in the form of a YouTube video. The jailbreak, known as Sn0wBreeze is currently under heavy development for 4.1 and 4.2, as it enables root access via SSH and is jailbroken, but […]
Library of Congress Adds Jailbreaking/Rooting Exception to DMCA, Clarifies Unlocking Exception
The Library of Congress has codified a long-awaited exception to the DMCA that allows consumers to jailbreak/root devices in order to obtain and execute software by legal means that would not otherwise be allowed to run in the unmodified state of the handset. This makes the act of jailbreaking/rooting iPhone and Android devices legal, in […]
New Spirit Jailbreak for iPhone 4 Being Released Soon
A new version of the Spirit jailbreak has been successfully tested on the iPhone 4 mere days after being officially launched, as it takes advantage of the same userland exploit found in the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3.1.3 that has yet to be properly patched by Apple. The new jailbreak was expected to be released […]
Apple iOS 4 PwnageTool Jailbreak Now Available
On the heels of the release of iOS4 yesterday for the iPhone 3G/3GS and second/third generation iPod Touch, the first fully working jailbreak for the new operating system has been made available. The new jailbreak is only compatible with the official release of iOS 4 and is not compatible with either the Spirit jailbreak or […]
Spirit iPhone/iPad Jailbreak Now Available
The latest iPhone and now iPad compatible jailbreak in Spirit is now available for download. The jailbreak is untethered and functions on OS versions 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.2, with any issues arising from the hack requiring a full restore prior to attempting again. This follows the jailbreaking of the iPad almost 24 hours after official […]
Saurik Declares Over 1 Million Apple Mobile Devices in Anti-Anti-Jailbreaking System
Yet another milestone has been past today in the continuing saga over jailbreaking Apple devices. Apple has engaged in an aggressive campaign to lock out jailbreakers, or at least limit their market-wide effectiveness. Both the iPhone 3GS and current-generation iPod touch models require that Apple’s servers sign each and every iPhone software update installed, adding […]
Apple Shipping iPhone 3GS with New Firmware
Following up on the 3.1.2 jailbreak news yesterday, members of the Dev-Team have confirmed that Apple has begun shipping iPhone 3GS units with a new bootrom that fixes the 24kpwn vulnerability that allows for jailbreaking as of last week. Because of the new bootrom, the team has confirmed that a standard jailbreak would be impossible […]
Apple Misinformation about Unauthorized modification of iPhone OS has been a major source of FUD, grandstanding, and other illogical arguments
If that title sounds long, it’s similar to Apple’s new support article, which is long-ly titled Unauthorized modification of iPhone OS has been a major source of instability, disruption of services, and other issues. So, we felt it would be a good idea to take Apple’s support article point-by-point. Quote from Apple: As designed by […]
iPhone Dev Team Releases redsn0w for iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod Touch
As expected, the iPhone Dev Team has released the redsn0w jailbreak tool for the first generation iPhone and iPhone 3G/iPod Touch via PwnageTool 3.0 for Mac OS X. Now for the caveats: 1. redsn0w will only jailbreak and unlock the first-generation iPhone, with the ultrasn0w 3G unlock tool for iPhone 3G not being included in […]
iPhone Dev Team Jailbreaks 2.2.1, Jumping Hoops Needed to Keep Unlock
The iPhone Dev Team has released updated versions of PwnageTool and QuickPwn for iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod touch. The update enables iPhone OS 2.2.1 to work properly with existing jailbreak exploits. However, the team stresses that iPhone OS 2.2.1 contains an updated iPhone 3G baseband. The updated baseband cannot be downgraded, and does successfully […]