T-Mobile Pulls Nokia 5610 XpressMusic for Display Issues
T-Mobile has halted sales of the Nokia 5610 XpressMusic temporarily to address an issue with the display. According to increasing customer reports, the displays on the handset will fail at random and either leave the display dark or a white blank screen with no warning. Â Both Nokia and T-Mobile recommend that any customers affected […]
Palm Issues Another Sprint Treo 800w Update for USB and Charging Issues
Palm has issued another update for owners of the Sprint Palm Treo 800w smart device. At issue is the device failing to detect many of the packaged accessories when connected to the device as well as charging issues centered on incomplete charging and charging a completely drained battery. Palm regards this as a critical update […]
Backhaul and Billing Issues Behind Sprint XOHM Delay
After Sprint’s announcement that the commercial launch of XOHM WiMax services would be delayed at CTIA, recent comments made by Sprint’s CTO may provide some crucial answers. Read More for complete details.
Treo 700wx, Samsung A900M Specifications (Updated)
Sprint’s official product briefs on the Treo 700wx and Samsung A900M have been leaked onto the web. The Samsung A900M (formerly the A900P) will be mostly identical to the existing Samsung A900, with less metal on the case as well as support for Sprint MI-UI Themes. In addition, the A900M will also enable GPS applications […]