Deal: Amazon Sale on Windows Games
We kick off our annual all-tech deal coverage with a blockbuster sale for many popular Windows games, from Amazon.com.
N-Gage Users Will be Able to Transfer N-Gage Games
Recent reports had startled N-Gage users as the current licensing terms for N-Gage games had stated that these games could not be transferred over to a new device. With an ‘uproar’ from the N-Gage community, Nokia has stated that there was miscommunication and the users will be able to transfer games to a new phone. […]
EA Buys JamDAT
In a move sure to have a ripple effect throughout the mobile industry, electronic entertainment giant Electronic Arts has made a deal to purchase mobile gaming company JamDAT Mobile. The deal, valued at almost $700 million, will meld JamDAT’s aggressive mobile gaming development and deployment resources with the brand label powerhouse EA has worked so […]