We’re Doing It: Palm Pre for Free After Rebate and Cashback
Leave it to MechaWorks (the guys who publish by day, and build video game consoles by night) to make the Palm Pre for free. That’s right. PhoneCashback.net and PhoneNews.com are teaming up to offer the Palm Pre for absolutely nothing… after rebates and cashback. Oh, and that includes a free Bluetooth headset and car charger. […]
AT&T Cashback Update: It’s Back
We’ve worked really hard with AT&T over the weekend, and through the start of this week. Everyone wanted to bring AT&T Cashback back, and nobody wanted to make you send back your phones. Because of all that work, we’re happy to announce that AT&T Cashback is back, just as it was before. Please disregard the […]
AT&T Rolls Out $30 Prepaid Camera Phone, We Make it $15 (Yes, including shipping)
AT&T GoPhone prepaid has rolled out the Nokia 2600 camera phone, for only $29.99 shipped, as a refurbished offering. The 2600 is quickly becoming Nokia’s most popular phone, largely flagshipped as a basic camera phone by AT&T. But, thanks to PhoneNews.com Cashback, we’re knocking that price even lower, down to $15. Just purchase the phone […]

Cashback Highlights on AT&T
Sure, we’re giving away free prepaid phones on Verizon, and we’ve started cashback on T-Mobile as well… but that doesn’t mean AT&T gets left out of the cashback fun. First up, is prepaid. With AT&T Cashback, you can get a Sony Ericsson W350 music phone for only $44.99. And, the Sony Ericsson Z310a flip camera […]
Cashback for T-Mobile Now Available!
Today, we’re launching cashback for T-Mobile. Once again, we’re changing the wireless industry… by making phones just a little cheaper for you. In this tough economy, we realize getting the best deal possible is all the more important. Like our existing partnerships with AT&T and Verizon, you can jump over to PhoneNews.com Cashback and order […]
Cashback Update: More People Can Get Cashback on Prepaid Phones!
First, we’d like to say that PhoneNews.com Cashback has been off to a great start, as is our 2009 PhoneNews.com Free Prepaid Phone Challenge. We really encourage you to get your three free prepaid phones (yes, including shipping), and help us go ad-free in the process. And, we have an update that will bring even […]

Deal: Sony Ericsson W350 & Gray Z750a Land on Prepaid, We’re Giving Cashback
AT&T this week rolled out two popular Sony Ericsson phones on their GoPhone store. The popular W350a is a basic Walkman phone, and is available for $59.99. But, the 3G-toting, Bluetooth-internet sharing Sony Ericsson Z750a… when previously offered in purple became our most popular deal ever. Now, the Z750a is finally available in the more-popular […]