Sprint to Eliminate Some Call Fowarding Fees in November
Sprint has announced that it will not charge customers for certain levels of call forwarding. Conditional call forwarding for busy calls or calls not answered using a Sprint phone will be free beginning in mid-November. The standard $0.20/minute charge will continue to apply for immediate call forwarding, with the change giving Sprint customers access to […]
AT&T: AT&T Launches Conditional Call Forwarding
GSM users that want to have pre-set call forwarding settings now can. To use call forwarding, you can dial any of the following codes just like a phone number. Activate Call Forwarding: *21*PhoneNumber Deactivate: #21# Call Forwarding when your phone is on another call: Activate: *67*PhoneNumber Deactivate: #67# Call Forwarding if no answer on handset: […]