AT&T Mobile Share
AT&T to Launch Four New Devices and New Services
By Humberto Saabedra on March 15, 2010
The first details on two new Samsung Quick Messaging devices have been announced by AT&T. The Samsung Sunburst (at left) features a touchscreen that features widgets for SMS/social media and GPS support. The Samsung Strive (at right) features a sliding full-QWERTY keyboard and a 2 megapixel camera along with GPS support.Both handsets will be available […]
Posted in AT&T, Pantech, Samsung | Tagged AT&T, AT&T Address Book, AT&T Locker, AT&T Mobile Share, cloud, contact sync, Link, Next Generation Messaging, Pantech, Pursuit, Quick Messaging, qwerty, Samsung, slider, SMS, Strive, Sunburst, sync | 1 Response