Samsung Releases Statements on Apple Reception Comparison
Not to be left out, Samsung has released two statements regarding Apple’s comparison of its reception issues with the iPhone 4 with various smartphone models, including Samsung’s Omnia II. On its record of reports from customers filing complaints due to any reception issues: â€We have not received significant customer feedback on any signal reduction issue […]

Apple Launches Page on Antenna Behavior
Following this morning’s press conference, Apple has opened up a page on its portal dedicated to breaking down the behavior of an antenna when a device is held in either hand, with the manufacturer using the Blackberry Bold 9700, HTC Droid Eris, and Samsung Omnia II as examples of smartphones that demonstrate similar behavior when […]
Apple’s Plan to Resolve The Antenna Issue (Updated)
During Apple’s press conference this morning, CEO Steve Jobs detailed exactly what the manufacturer would do to resolve the longstanding reception issues plaguing the iPhone 4. As rumored by many in the media, Apple will be offering customers a free bumper case and refunding customers who had previously purchased bumper cases. The program will begin […]