MWC: T-Mobile CEO Confirms US 3G Network Launch in Summer, Possible Android Device
During a news conference at the MWC, T-Mobile CEO Hamid Akhvan confirmed that the 3G network in the US will launch during the summer though he gave no specific date as to when. He also explained why 3G capable devices are being launched ahead of the network launch, stating a desire to be prepared. When […]

Nokia Announces 3120 Classic with US 3G Support
Nokia has announced the pending launch of the 3120 Classic. The candybar-type phone features dualband W-CDMA support for both the US/Australia aside from the standard version for Europe. It features a 2 inch QVGA display, front-mounted VGA camera for video calls, media player, microSD slot with support for 4GB cards, Bluetooth, microUSB connector, push email […]
ITU Trolls WiMAX, Claims it is 3G
The ITU this week has attempted to change the discussion about WiMAX, by declaring it a 3G technology. WiMAX has commonly been considered a 4G technology, standing apart from today’s 3G wireless landscape. The difference from 3G and 4G has largely been viewed in more abstract terms than previous generations. Specifically 4G focuses on expanding […]
Cingular Locks EDGE Blackberry As Exclusive
Cingular today announced that they will be the exclusive carrier for RIM’s first EDGE-enabled Blackberry. The 8700c will join RIM’s already 3G Blackberry, the 7250, but will be the first 3G GSM Blackberry released. The 8700c will also feature a QVGA display, and an Intel XScale processor, the PXA901. With a retail price of $449.99 […]
Verizon: VCast With Some Intelligence
We haven’t reported on VCast since its launch, for multiple reasons. It’s a little long winded, takes some to task, but in the end is at least an informative read on how the media works, and how VCast works… you might even learn something when you’re done reading it.