T608 Software Update Could Be Soon *Updated 3 Times*

Update 3: Further discussion has revealed that R1E is probably R1A189, with the version number changed in the status window…

Update 2: The program contains an (aparrently) older version of the T608’s firmware, R1A189. It is unknown if Sprint is currently encouraging people to downgrade from R1E or not, though that is unlikely, it is possible. The program makes no notes as to the firmware update enclosed.

The UPST update however does enable Sprint Store technicians to program the phone and Vision over-the-wire, as well as over-the-wire PRL updates and the ability to transfer your phonebook contents to and from other phone models the machine supports. Thanks to NC88KeyZ for the info.

Update: Update may have been released. Developing…

Sprint Store techs have been issued software necessary for updating the SonyEricsson T608. This is usually only done when a software update nears release.

As we have previously reported, many Sprint Stores were issued T608 flash cables months before the phone’s release.