T-Mobile is currently holding a fire sale on the Nokia Nuron Symbian smartphone. The phone features Symbian S60 5th Edition and now features access to the latest edition of Ovi Maps which allows for offline map caching with map data for 160 countries. Normally $149.99, the phone is currently being sold for $49.99 after $70 instant discount and additional instant $30 refurb discount. T-Mobile is also including a $30 prepaid airtime card with the purchase of the phone, making it a perfect backup phone with free offline GPS.
T-Mobile’s Prepaid Refurb Nuron Fire Sale
By Humberto Saabedra on April 29, 2011
Posted in Navigation, Nokia, T-Mobile | Tagged Nokia Nuron, ovi maps, prepaid, T-Mobile | 3 Responses
Humberto Saabedra
Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of AnimeNews.biz, PhoneNews.com and an occasional columnist for Ani.me. He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz
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Yawn. We bought one a while back when Costco offered the Nuron for a tad over $100. It’s cute but sludgy and rather frustrating. Other than the offline map deal we find it to be rather emasculated on prepaid. Spouse went back to the N6085. If you don’t have anything like it, the price is OK.
[…] currently has a pretty good deal on a prepaid cell phone. Â The phone is the Nokia Nuron, which is a Symbian phone with the latest version of Ovi maps. Â This T-Mobile prepaid phone […]