Following up, T-Mobile has rolled out its expected realignment in the Classic and Value plans first reported on earlier in the month. The Classic plans are merely the previous Even More plans under a different name with the same conventional handset subsidy after 2 year agreement.
In contrast, the new Value plans do away with traditional phone subsidies but still require 2 year agreements, with T-Mobile pushing the plans towards those with unactivated T-Mobile equipment looking for a new plan or those with unlocked phones looking to become new T-Mobile customers.
To drive the point, instead of tying the plans to phones on its website, the carrier is tying the Value plans to SIM cards, which is a marked change from the typical sales offering for service plans in the US and follows a sales model more commonly seen in Europe and Asia.
[…] T-Mobile equipment looking for a new plan or those with unlocked phones … Read more on Mytouch 3g Slide Update 2.2.1 (Froyo) – by samlee568 (Sam […]