T-Mobile internal documentation has confirmed that the carrier has pushed up the launch of its Samsung Galaxy S variant in the Vibrant on July 15th instead of its originally slated July 21st launch, ostensibly to beat Verizon’s launch of its new flagship Android device in the Droid X on the aforementioned date and attempt to gain a competitive advantage.
The Vibrant features the 1GHz Hummingbird processor, 4 inch Super AMOLED based capacitive touch display, Android 2.1 with pre-loaded Swype keyboard, Wi-Fi radio,six axis accelerometer, 5 megapixel camera with autofocus, 720p video recording and LED flash, 2GB preinstalled microSD card with support for 32GB cards along with 16GB of internal memory, Bluetooth with stereo audio support and 3.5mm headphone jack.
Pricing for the Vibrant is set at $199.99 after a $50 mail-in rebate.
You stated “2GB preinstalled microSD card”, but it also has 16GB memory installed on phone itself according to your “Confirmed” link
It is $199 after a $50 rebate, not a $100 rebate.
We’ve corrected the price and clarified the microSD is in addition to the internal storage of 16GB.
LED Flash? From what I have seen in pitures and read in blogs there is no led flas in the T-mobile version. Correct me if I’m wrong.
this is simply a rumor. how can you confirm it when there is no official announcement from T-Mobile? And don’t give me that crap we do not disclose our sources because we might get sued.
We aren’t worried about PhoneNews.com being sued, we have protections of the first amendment. Media shield laws in California further protect us in that regard.
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Like, when phones update themselves without your permission during the night, and brick, and you can’t call for help. We want people to feel safe to tell us about those kind of things, so the industry can avoid disaster.
As such, we will proudly tell you what you don’t want to hear in this matter. It’s good for the industry, and it’s good for readers as well.