T-Mobile and Cricket have separately announced plans to launch the Nokia Lumia 530 Windows Phone smartphone. The phone that replaces the unexpectedly popular Lumia 520/521 features a 4-inch display, 5-megapixel camera, quad-core processor, and Windows Phone 8.1 with Cortana along with a microSD expansion slot with support for 128GB cards and includes 15GB of free cloud storage through Microsoft OneDrive.
The Lumia 530 will be available from Cricket online and in select stores beginning on October 3 for $49.99. T-Mobile will launch the phone for $79.20 through Best Buy and Microsoft stores on October 5, and T-Mobile stores on October 15. More detailed specifications are found below:
- 4-inch, 854×480 resolution LCD display (246ppi)
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 200, 1.2GHz quad-core processor
- 5MP camera
- 4GB storage
- Expandable memory up to 128GB
- 512MB RAM
- 1420mAh battery