Following up on a report which revealed the existence of tutorials for the iPhone 4, more information has surfaced regarding StraightTalk’s plans to carry the iPhone, which are to be announced sometime this week. First, StraightTalk will expand its SIM card options to micro and nanoSIMs to accommodate those looking for a BYOD option with locked or unlocked iPhones and will carry those both online and in select Walmart locations.
- iPhone 5 store display
- iPhone 4 dummy box
Images via That’s It Guys
Second, new pictures taken of new endcap displays have confirmed that Walmart will be working with StraightTalk to sell the iPhone 4 and 5 in retail locations, culminating with Walmart offering financing options for customers carrying either a Walmart store credit card or the Walmart Discover cards, as the iPhone 4 will be priced at $449.99 and the iPhone 5 will be priced at $649.99.
- iPhone 4 Financing Offer
- iPhone 5 financing offer
Images via That’s It Guys
Walmart’s financing options will consist of a no interest option when charged on either aforementioned credit card with $25 minimum monthly payments spread out over 18 months for the iPhone 4, totaling $449 after the financing term is complete, though it’s assumed that customers can pay more than the minimum to keep the special no interest rate. The monthly rate is the same for the iPhone 5, only spread out over 26 months and totaling $649 after the financing term is complete.
Clearly, Walmart and StraightTalk have designed the sales method to encourage people to sign up for credit cards in order to encourage long-term financing of either device instead of relying on outright purchase volume as was done on Virgin Mobile when it launched the iPhone last Summer; it says more about both brands that it considers the typical StraightTalk customer to be so easily willing to sign up for a credit card just to take advantage of “special financing” for 4 and 36 month old devices respectively, especially when the iPhone 4 can now easily purchased for less than the standard list pricing.
Confirming the previous report, the iPhone 4 will operate on the Verizon Wireless network, while the iPhone 5 will operate on the AT&T network, providing current StraightTalk AT&T customers an upgrade path from older smartphones such as the Nokia series or an alternative if the current Android lineup isn’t appealing and the BYOD option isn’t easily available or desired.
More specific information on the devices isn’t known yet, but it’s expected that the Verizon version will be the 8GB iPhone 4, while the AT&T-powered iPhone 5 will be the 16GB model based on pricing. StraightTalk is currently teasing the news via its social media profiles and is expected to formally announce the offer later today or sometime later this week with more specific information, such as availability and purchase details.
As the financing offer has been technically valid since the first day of the new year according to the details printed on the display, the phones are expected to be available later this month.
YES! Finally, prepaid has the best of the best the IPhone 5 on AT&T. Why would anyone want to stay on a contract and pay over a $100 a month and not get unlimited anything. For $45 month I can get unlimited talk, text and data and an IPhone 5. Straight talk you rock. You definitely are #1.
Another website is claiming these are faked pictures and boxes. If you check the bar codes on each of the two items, they appear to be the same.
Note that the iPhone is “offered” with the $30 per month plan. ST does only offers the $45 per month plan with smartphones. The guy faking this misses several details to make it foolproof.
Note that under the picture it says “dummy box”.
[…] Posted in Apple, ATT, Verizon, Virtual Operators (MVNOs) | Tagged Apple, iphone, iphone 4, iPhone 5, StraightTalk, walmart | 4 Responses […]
Those barcodes are for the credit card promotion. With the use of a walmart credit card, the associate scans special financing barcode and then scans the phone. The actual phones will have different barcodes. This is very real. I can guarantee that.
It will be rolling out 1/10/13
When will u have the iPhone
All WalMarts should be fully stocked this weekend.
The financing agreement option recognizes the fact that most WalMart customers can’t afford to pay the sales price up front.
What does this mean for all of us alreading using an AT&T iphone 4 or 4s on ST? will we still have to jailbreak or sim swap to get our mms and apn settings to work? I feel let down…So many of us already have BYOD only to have ST release their own Iphone device which im assuming you won;t have to use a jailbreak or sim swap for mms or apn settings..We who have BYOD are stuck out in the cold..
Don’t worry. This device won’t be selling at WalMart this time NEXT year. It’s a hoax but a few details were missed.
Yo Milteer:
Stay mad/salty.
I don’t see how anyone would say this is FAKE, GO TO your local wally world and you will see that this real,, I bought an i5 today and am setting up my new iTune’s as I write,if you don’t think this true well I guess you wont have new service with an Iphone also you can go to and you will see there ad which if you click on it will take you to walmart and there you will find that walmart is now an OFFICIAL CARRIER but i did notice that they had an ad for a 4S 16gig phone for ST which i didn’t think they would offer,I do wish that the i5 would have been offered on Verzion because there signal is better here in Tn.I found that out taking grandson to Bristol for his First nascar race and we had no signal in the hill’s
Mike, the iPhone 5 that you purchase from Wal-Mart is CDMA and runs on the Verizon network. I asked Wal-Mart and verified through Straight Talk.