Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

65 responses to “Straight Talk To Launch LG Optimus 2X, First High-End Prepaid LTE Android Phone (Updated)”

  1. swaterho

    I’ve researched the “x2” vs the “Black” and the x2 is the winner in my book. i didn’t get a chance to see price though.
    so are we agreed though? that ST is in fact releasing the X2 on the T-mobile 4g network? when the ad came up on pandora to reserve one (an x2) i clicked on it and the details were that it would run on a 4g network.
    but i do wish i knew when and how much.

  2. matt

    i just got off the phone with straight talk corporate and found out they will be sending out the lg optimus 2x and black this week to wal-marts. so hopefully by 2/24/12 these phones will be at wal-mart!!!!! wa-hooo!!!!!! THIS IS REAL– I JUST SPOKE WITH MIAMI CORP

  3. Crystal

    Whelp its 2-24-2012 @10:32 pm.. No more word about this phone.. this is irritating the mess out of me.. Im sooo tired of my lg otimus.. can I get an upgrade please!!!

  4. Crystal

    lol wow these post are 3 hours early! or is it later hmmm

  5. Chick Daney

    The silence is deafening. Guess the speed dial is broken.


  6. matt

    I honestly talked to someone at ST HQ last Monday who said that they just got notified that new phones where being shipped out last Monday and Tuesday. But I been lookin at wal marts sites and they ain’t listed

  7. nita

    the phones should have gotten to the stores by now wtf r they waiting on?

  8. Luis

    Yeh straight talk needs to bring this phone out serioulsy I’m this impatient now >.<

  9. Chris

    I spoke to a manager at Walmart last week and he told me they had several of these phones in the wharehouse already but were not allowed to release them yet? surely someone on this site works at walmart and had a camera phone who can confirm this. I’m with everyone else im tired of waiting for his phone to be released it’s almost easier to buy one off of ebay and just buy a sim card from straight talk.

  10. Ruby

    Waiting and waiting and waiting….on this phone!! I have read so many articles about this phone and saw the comments on here arguing about the phone. I must say there are so many “mature” people out there…”laughs”. Christopher seems very knowledgeable about this subject. It seems that the only way were can truly “know” ourselves is to try the phone out!

  11. Luis

    Sooo any news about this phone in walmart yet ? Cause I’m tired of this crap now st is a big dissapointment now 🙁

  12. Tracfone Quietly Cancels LG Optimus 2X Launch |

    […] the domain was repopulated with the first references to the phone in January, which initially erroneously referred to the phone as having support for LTE.For awhile it seemed […]

  13. David

    If you go to ST website they show the LG 2x in the box. About free shipping on Androids. I really don’t understand what Straight Talk is doing. Other than maybe just trying to build up interest.

  14. Luis

    I’ve read today tht the at lg 2x was bieng cancelled check in google news . St just screwed us over :[

  15. Helen

    I talked to Straight Talk yesterday on the phone and they said they were having trouble closing the deal with T-Mobile as the network provider for the LG Optimus 2X. They said they would email me if or when they would be offering the phone. So I really don’t know what to believe. They tell me something different every time I call or email them.