Straight Talk has officially announced the availability of nanoSIM cards on their BYOD service after months of waiting by expectant users. Previously, if one wanted to use the iPhone 5/C/S and other smartphones with the smaller nanoSIM slot, one would have had to order a microSIM and either cut it manually (which can be a real hassle) or order a SIM cutting tool along with the microSIM for a cleaner fit.
The new nanoSIMs are now available online through Straight Talk’s website for $6.99 and work with AT&T and T-Mobile service with LTE support on both carriers. Walmart will also be carrying the nanoSIM cards for $6.99 through stores. This follows months of demand for nanoSIM cards for current and prospective Straight Talk customers that wanted an easier way of moving phones with such slots to the service without the aforementioned hassles. The timing is also fortuitous for Straight Talk, as more new flagship smartphones are being launched with nanoSIM slots and the availability of the smaller cards makes it easier for newer smartphones like the Moto X to be used on Straight Talk.