Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

One response to “Sprint MVNO Voyager Mobile To Increase Prices Substantially Next Month”

  1. jeff m

    I have been Republic Wireless for a month now and love them!! I pay $25 a month for unlimited talk, text, and 3G data. You can get unlimited everything including 4G data for $40 a month or you can switch to the $10 a month plan and you get unlimited talk and text anywhere but only can use data on WiFi but you can switch you plan 2 times a month from your phone and the rates are prorated so you only get charged for the days you use that plan!! The Moto X is an awesome phone!! I actually like it better than my iPhone 5 because the phone itself has features that the iPhone does not have (twist your wrist and the camera starts and its a better camera than the iPhone, it knows when your driving and reads you texts, and active notifications are very nice too). I highly recommend this service and phone.