Sprint has quietly launched the successor to the Sanyo Incognito messaging device in the sleeker Innuendo. The Innuendo features a 2.8-inch internal display at QVGA resolution and a full QWERTY keyboard for messaging. Like the Incognito, the Innuendo also has a touch-sensitive external dialpad with haptic feedback and a proximity sensor that deactivates the display when it is held up to the face. Other features include a 3.2 megapixel camera with video capture, Bluetooth with stereo audio support, threaded SMS, support for microSD cards up to 32GB, and GPS support.
Sprint is also rolling out an update for the phone to fix last-minute bugs, consisting of fixes to ringtone previews within the music application, opening the Web Browser after using Sprint TV and streaming audio issues via Bluetooth headset while watching a YouTube video. No-contract pricing is set at $249.99, and $99.99 with 2 year agreement and $50 rebate, bringing the total to $49.99.
Retail pricing without a contract of the Sanyo Innuendo by Kyocera/SCP-6780 is $249.99. With a new 2 year service agreement on an upgrade as well as a new line of Sprint service, the price is $99.99 before a $50.00 mail in rebate making the final price $49.99 plus applicable sales taxes.
I think it should say “before”, since full retail is $249.99!
“Pricing is set at $249.99 after new 2 year agreement before instant discount and $50 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $49.99.”
Thank You
more great news for people who like phones with keyboards as sprint seems determined to only put out bulky phones with keyboards.