Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Sprint Launches Incognito Successor in Innuendo”

  1. Ray Carroll

    Retail pricing without a contract of the Sanyo Innuendo by Kyocera/SCP-6780 is $249.99. With a new 2 year service agreement on an upgrade as well as a new line of Sprint service, the price is $99.99 before a $50.00 mail in rebate making the final price $49.99 plus applicable sales taxes.

  2. F1

    I think it should say “before”, since full retail is $249.99!

    “Pricing is set at $249.99 after new 2 year agreement before instant discount and $50 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $49.99.”

    Thank You

  3. cj

    more great news for people who like phones with keyboards as sprint seems determined to only put out bulky phones with keyboards.