After being leaked in the past through employee documentation, Sprint has formally announced the launch of Wi-Fi calling capability on selected Android smartphones in its lineup, with more phones to be added in the future. Sprint is pitching its implementation of Wi-Fi calling capability as a way to shore up indoor coverage in homes and businesses, which has historically been a key complaint against Sprint service over the years.
Sprint’s addition of Wi-Fi calling complements the availability of the Airave base station for customers with indoor coverage problems, but the carrier has reverted to limiting sales of those units to customers in specific areas after years of offering them in stores.
Sprint’s implementation of Wi-Fi calling will allow for unlimited voice and messaging over any open Wi-Fi network in the US, although unlike T-Mobile’s implementation, it will not be free when used internationally, with voice calls being charged at their current international rates. The carrier will be pushing out an update to the Galaxy S4 Mini and Galaxy Mega over the next few weeks which includes its own branded Wi-Fi calling app.