Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

6 responses to “Sprint Confirms Samsung Epic 4G Android Froyo Update Next Week”

  1. jack

    Blah! F Samsun & F Sprint. I hate my Epic (failure) phone and this tiny update won’t change that!!!

  2. jack

    ******* F Samsung

  3. jon

    WOW… even when there is good news people still hate. amazing.

  4. Kent

    some people don’t know a good phone when they see it.

  5. DZL

    I got the update. It’s nice except that all of my pics and vids have been deleted off of my phone and I can’t set any ringtones. Looks like they should’ve tested it some more. #Pissed

  6. jon

    HAHA.. Im anrgy they took so long, and now I’m angry they should have took longer and tested more!