Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “Sprint, Clearwire Settle Network Revenue Dispute”

  1. F1

    Meanwhile preparations for LTE are well underway, perhaps the first steps in potentialy creating a more consumer friendly world of hardware inter-compatability between the U.S. carriers.

    Thank You

  2. Noelle

    ^ I have read AT&T and VZW LTE won’t be compatible for roaming and such. Each will operate on different bands in the 700 MHz spectrum that will differ greatly to allow any roaming.

  3. F1

    Did you see this:

    It is not about LTE, however even though it is not really news, still interesting as perhaps an evolutionary concept.

    Thank You

  4. Phoneman

    Sprint’s 4G has gotten worse and worse with time. When it first launched, it was blazing fast and being rolled out in new areas all the time. Now it’s dog slow, riddled with holes in coverage, still has trouble inside buildings, and hasn’t improved in a long time.

    Hopefully with this deal they will start improving the speed, fixing coverage holes, launching new areas, and figure out a way to get good coverage inside buildings.

    And I wouldn’t complain if they were still converting to LTE in the mean time.

    Leave it to Sprint to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They had 4G long before anyone else. They only managed what, 2 or 3 4G phones total. Now every carrier has them beat in every way. More 4G coverage, more phones, and faster speeds.