Sprint has announced its first Android tablet sourced from Chinese device maker ZTE in the Optik. The tablet features a 7-inch touch display at WXGA resolution, Mobile Hotspot support, dual cameras with a front facing 2.0 megapixel camera and 5.0 megapixel rear main camera with 720p video capture, microSD slot, Bluetooth, Android Honeycomb 3.2 with pinch to zoom support, 16GB of internal memory and full access to Google services.
The tablet will be available for $349.99 or $99.99 after new 2 year agreement and rebate. It will be launched this weekend in all Sprint sales locations. Continue reading for the full list of specifications.
- Google mobile services such as Google Search™, Gmail™, Google Maps™ with Navigation, Google Books™ and YouTube™
- Corporate email (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync) and personal (POP & IMAP) email
- Mobile Hotspot capability supporting up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices simultaneously
- Android Market for access to more than 400,000 useful applications, widgets and games available for download to customize the experience
- Wi-Fi® (802.11 b/g)
- Integrated GPS
- Dual cameras – a rear-facing 5MP auto-focus camera with camcorder and a front-facing 2MP camera
- Sprint Zone, Sprint TV, Sprint Music Plus, Sprint Navigation, Sprint Football Live and NASCAR Sprint Cup MobileSM
- Media player with 3.5mm stereo headset jack
- Bluetooth v2.1+EDR
- Stereo speakers