Photos from the FCC have revealed the Samsung SPH-Z400; the first QChat-enabled phone from Sprint. QChat will be branded as Direct Connect, returning Push To Talk to the Sprint PCS line of phones. Basic features include a dual display, camera, and Bluetooth but other specifications are currently unavailable. The third picture (shown below) confirms the Sprint branding on the device.
QChat will enable Sprint to discontinue use of the Nextel iDEN network. By migrating customers to Sprint Direct Connect phones, customers will be able to migrate to Sprint’s CDMA network without giving up the benefits of Nextel’s advanced walkie talkie platform.
Will this phone have 850 roaming?????????
who cares its uuuuuugly
It does look like it will work with CDMA 800 MHz (850) roaming. The device is referenced in FCC filings as a Cellular/PCS device… which indicates support for both 800 (Cellular) and 1900 (PCS) bands. We’ll have to see though, the documents that would confirm that are being withheld from public view right now.
I have to say I hesitated getting my ic902 for Xmas because I was waiting for a QChat phone.. but damn that thing is FUGLY. I’m kind of glad I went w/ the ic902 🙂
It is ugly, but it is Samsung’s first attempt at rugged that I have seen. Sanyo’s rugged Q-Chat phone is less ugly.
Is it submerged in water in that third pic? Wonder if it is waterproof like the G-Zone.
That’s a foam insert that the FCC typically uses to hold phones upright when taking photos of devices.
[…] Sprint With news that Samsung was going to release a QChat enabled phone, fellow competitor LG is pictured to be developing their own QChat device too. First reported […]
I think it’s great………..This will hopefully put sprint over the top.
where can i buy one?
Dustin on January 20th, 2008, 4:25 pm I have to say I hesitated getting my ic902 for Xmas because I was waiting for a QChat phone.. but damn that thing is FUGLY. I’m kind of glad I went w/ the ic902
I was wondring is is ic902 a 3G phone?… Well is it Dusting. and No the only FUGLY is you.
I bought 2 samsung sph z400 for me and my girl. They work great. I was surprised how much better the signal is in the malls. we used to have the nextel i580. The z400 is far more better upgrade. And its less money that the nextel i580.
Thank goodness Q Chat is GONE! iDEN is much better!