Internal T-Mobile documentation has confirmed the forthcoming launch of a new version of the current Samsung Vibrant Galaxy S variant with support for T-Mobile’s HSPA+ overlay being marketed as its 4G network as well as a front-facing camera and Android 2.2.
The smartphone will otherwise feature the same specifications as the first Vibrant: 4.0 inch Super AMOLED display, 1GHz Hummingbird processor, 5.0 megapixel camera with autofocus and 16GB of internal memory with microSDHC expansion slot.
If ATT”s network actually has HSPA+ and the Atrix, T Mobile I am gone the moment you make this Vibrant 4G available on your network with out first providing Vibrant customers with the Froyo Update, and you belong with Samsung in this situation.
Don’t believe us, think how many frustrated Vibrant owners will brand you with XXX’s like what already has happened with Samsung.
This is not a matter you can ignore, it will hurt your bottom line and survival.