Samsung has leaked the first press image of the forthcoming Samsung Instinct S30 which will be released on Sprint in April. The leak occured via the Korean site in Hangul as part of a press release promoting its presence during CTIA this week.
No specific information on the S30 was included besides the image, although Samsung is expected to release an official English-language announcement later on.
Does it do anything new?
Lack of apps = only valuable as a mid-level phone.
Also, why the “s30” ??? Why not just call it the Instinct 2? (although it’s really more like the instinct 1.5 since the feature set is nearly identical.)
Because this isn’t the “next” Instinct. It’s just a slimmed-down hardware revision, and without EV-DO Rev A. It’s more of an “Instinct mini” than anything else, hence why we called it that when revealing it to the world originally.
According to Phonescoop
“Yesterday, 5:40 PM by Rich Brome updated Yesterday, 7:55 PM
Samsung today announced the Instinct S30, a successor to the Instinct. The Instinct S30 (model number SPH-M810) is more streamlined than the orginal, and will be available in two colors: “Cobalt Metal” and “Touch of Copper”. The S30 will come with Opera Mini 4.2, calendar sync, IM, and an upgraded memory card slot supporting 32 GB cards. For data, the S30 has EVDO Rel. 0. Otherwise, the S30 is similar in size and specs to the original Instinct, including a 2-megapixel camera and threaded messaging. The S30 will also sport more advanced APIs for developers to create advanced Java applications, including APIs for multimedia, messaging, Bluetooth, Contacts, Calendar, and the filesystem. All of these APIs will be available on all future Sprint Java phones. The Instinct S30 will be availble April 19 for $129.99, with a 2-year contract, after $70 instant savings and $100 mail-in rebate.”
Sad to see PCS intel/Phonenews changing format, i will surely miss the Hardware coverage, thank you for services rendered!