Samsung has officially announced the Galaxy Alpha after weeks of rumors, an Android smartphone that does away with Samsung’s plastic designs and introduces a device with a more sedate metallic design. The Galaxy Alpha features a metallic frame forming the four outer edges of the device, which has a glass front and a textured plastic back plate. At 6.7mm thick, the Alpha is also one of Samsung’s thinnest phones in terms of width. The Alpha features a 4.7-inch 720p display and is powered by an octa-core processor (four 1.8GHz cores and four 1.3GHz cores in a 4+4 bridge configuration).
It also includes 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage, but does not support microSD expansion. The Alpha also includes a 12-megapixel main camera and 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera along with a wide number of Samsung’s own camera tools, such as Shot & More, Selective Focus, and Beauty Face. It can also record 4K (Ultra HD) video. Connectivity includes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, and NFC along with LTE. The Alpha also offers additional customizations such as Ultra Power Savings Mode, Download Booster, Quick Connect, and Private Mode, which can be secured with a fingerprint by the fingerprint scanner built into the home button. Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy Alpha will ship beginning in September in a variety of colors, but it did not detail launch markets for the phone.