During Mobile World Congress this week, Russia’s YotaPhone confirmed plans for an official release of its unique dual-display YotaPhone Android smartphone that features a conventional color touch display on the front and an e-ink display on the back that allows for zero power consumption for select activities, such as reading articles and e-books or checking notifications.
The US version of the YotaPhone 2 will be compatible with both T-Mobile and AT&T networks with LTE support and will sell for approximately $600, pending successful completion of the crowdfunding campaign via IndieGoGo. YotaPhone also plans to sell the second generation of the phone through third-party retailers as an unlocked device with Best Buy and Amazon being targeted as the first sales channels following the crowdfunding campaign.
YotaPhone representatives also confirmed a less expensive version of the YotaPhone 2 in the 2c, in the planning stages for a future launch in the US market, with the focus on offering a mid-range version of the device for less than the $600 cost of the high-end YotaPhone 2.
Along with those developments, the company plans to have its heavily customized Android build updated to Lollipop in time for the US launch of the YotaPhone2, if not shortly afterward. The update is also expected to add an updated API for third-party application developers to allow apps to access the e-ink display.
Currently, the YotaPhone 2 can be purchased as an import, but typical pricing due to exchange rates means that the phone is up to $300 more expensive than a 128GB iPhone 6 Plus, with pricing falling between $1100-1300.