iPhone Dev Team has updated the PwnageTool jailbreak to 4.2 and iPhone unlockers can now safely restore to a custom 4.2.1 pre-jailbroken IPSW and retain their current baseband (ensuing hacked SIM unlocks will continue to function).
The new PwnageTool also includes two very recent improvements to the 4.2.1 jailbreak, with iBooks fixes so that it works as intended on DRM’ed books. The jailbreaking tool update also corrects the Wi-Fi problems that occurred on Apple TV 2G after jailbreaking. Both of these fixes will also be available in the upcoming Cydia package updates, for users that have already jailbroken their devices successfully. PwnageTool also supports all other iOS 4.2.1 devices other than iPod touch 2G.
iPod touch 2G users are encouraged to use redsn0w until a future update to PwnageTool is released. All other supported devices are listed below.
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 4 CDMA on Verizon Wireless
- iPod touch 3G
- iPod touch 4G
- iPad
- Apple TV 2G