Intel: informal military intelligence; information
Sometime next month, this site will move to (which is not currently operational), this process should not result in any downtime. For a week, Sprint PCS Info will forward to PCS Intel directly.
After that week, Sprint PCS Info will return as an original site, but will keep an archive of all of Sprint PCS Info’s past news as both a mirror and to allow for old links on the web to continue to work.
By now you’re probably wondering what Sprint PCS Info’s purpose will serve. To put it bluntly, you’ll want both in your newsfeed reader, and you want to check out both… probably. Sprint PCS Info will serve more as an editorial platform, but will maintain its Sprint focus, just all the news and “vital” information will be on PCS Intel, and the consumer advocacy, analysis, and occasional ranting will be on Sprint PCS Info. If it could fit into a certain category, it would probably be a “blog”, something the current site doesn’t fit into, and PCS Intel won’t. The new Sprint PCS Info will probably fit into that format much more closely.
Why did we chose do this? Several reasons. The first and foremost was that people had a hard time understanding that we were “more than Sprint”. Breaking news such as the death of the Ogo (on Cingular) doesn’t make sense coming from a source named “Sprint PCS Info”. PCS Intel remains and will be the only site focused on covering U.S. wireless carriers.
Also, covering Sprint will change as part of the Sprint Nextel merger. This creation of two sites will allow for the technocratic coverage of Sprint Nextel that only extremely savvy users and Sprint Nextel employees will be able to comprehend, PCS Intel will serve to be the mainstream version. PCS Intel will also feature T-Mobile and Nextel coverage, something Sprint PCS Info has not served to-date. This is just the start, PCS Intel will have many more people contributing to it, providing crucial news and information that no other site provides in a consistent manner.