Palm webOS 1.0.4 Released for Pre

Palm has released webOS 1.0.4 as a firmware update for the Palm Pre. Palm has released few details surrounding the update, only that it fixes several security issues with webOS. Palm has not disclosed what those issues were, but encourages all users to update.

Pre owners can update to webOS 1.0.4 by using the Updates application in the Launcher.

Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Androidâ„¢ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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4 responses to “Palm webOS 1.0.4 Released for Pre”

  1. jay

    Engadget reports that this closes some loopholes that allowed homebrew to be installed.


  2. Someone

    Actually you don’t have to be tethered to a computer for most of the jailbreaking. You only need to be tethered for a VERY short period. At this point in time I can SSH into my Pre from anywhere I have access to a telnet client, all I need to know is my Pre’s IP address.

    Of course, this loophole was MUCH easier for those that don’t know what “rooting” is. Hopefully Palm will give us a second option or get the App Catalog out of beta very soon!