Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

5 responses to “Palm Pre $99.99 at Best Buy In-Store Only (Updated)”

  1. Yankees368

    This has been noted on several web-sites to be a mistake.

  2. Mike

    There is ramblings that this is a mistake but after speaking with a BB mobile manager this afternoon, I can confirm that folks are paying just $99 at check out today for the Pre

  3. Jeff

    The phones could be free. The upfront costs are dwarfed by the subscription costs especially with 2 year contracts.

  4. Margaret

    Sprint’s plans for these phones are lower each month than Verizon or AT&T plans for phones with similar capabilities. With a family plan that bundles talk, text messages and unlimited data you can add a new line for as little as $19.99 per month.

  5. Steve Goldfein

    USA Today is reporting this was a snafu and was never supposed to happen. 😛