Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “Palm Launches Software Update for Sprint Centro”

  1. jesse

    Hmm been using the update for about five hours right and it seems alot more responsive

  2. Jeff

    I am not a techy person…but do have a centro…Can someone tell me what I need to do to get this firmware update?

  3. Spencer

    If you are a person that believes you could benefit from the improvements in the firmware update then you should probably do the upgrade or have someone who is techy help or do it for you. Botching a firmware update is not good so take your time to read all the info as the update is taking place and make sure to follow the directions.

  4. Christopher Price

    As an alternative, you can take the phone to a Sprint Store, and they can do the update for you. You really should update, even if you don’t think you’ll directly benefit from the changes listed.