Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

12 responses to “Palm Delays SDK Release, Dismisses Homebrew Developers and Hackers”

  1. Dave

    How was it delayed? I don’t believe they ever posted an availability date for the SDK…

  2. Dave

    Not to dispute your point, but show me where that was ever put in writing or stated in public… A headline which says “delayed” is only valid if in fact it was previously announced to be shipping at an earlier date.

  3. Don Louie

    I remember seeing somewhere, that was the plan but don’t know if it was from Palm or outside speculation

  4. Christopher Price

    Palm informed developers that webOS would be available shortly after the device launch. Obviously, end of summer is not in the realm of “shortly after launch.”

    Even Palm is giving reasons of constraints as to why the SDK is not readily available right now.

  5. Someone

    I believe that we could classify end of summer as “shortly after” comparison to the iPhone launch. Apple took a little over a year to get their App Store running.

    Also, Palm isn’t dismissing anything. They are just stating that “most” users will benefit by waiting for the SDK. Those that are comfortable with rooting their device and programming in VI are being supported… Palm even set up an open source website for them and is fulling supporting the Pre Dev Wiki as long as certain rules (no tethering) are followed.

  6. Christopher Price

    Someone, Apple waited a year to launch the App Store, but they didn’t announce it until they were ready to start arming developers with the tools to make those apps. Now we’re in a no-man’s land that is giving preferential treatment to a select few developers… not just in development, but in the marketplace itself.

    Palm is dismissing the homebrew community. Android embraced it with a supported unsigned app process. You are completely misrepresenting the Pre Dev Wiki “support”. It’s more like a threatened existence in disguise, and you can be sure we’ll be reporting on that more shortly.

  7. David

    If all they do is “recommend” the SDK over unofficial wares, then I’ll be very pleased. I’d hate to see Apple’s kind of war on homebrew happen on the Palm platform.

  8. Palm Releases webOS Source Code |

    […] had recently addressed the topic of its development program and tacit dismissal of the homebrew developer and burgeoning […]

  9. Someone


    The SDK for iPhone was announced on March 6, 2008. The App Store opened on July 10, 2008. The iPhone was released on July 11, 2007.

    With that, I think Palm has a good timeline set up. App Store up and running BEFORE the launch of the phone. SDK out within 3 months of the phone release. And lets not forget that we DON’T HAVE TO BE ON WIFI to download apps.

    As for a threatened existence of the Pre Dev Wiki, I really don’t think so. They did just open up to give us an inner look at the working protocols of the OS. Now I have read Palm’s official statements, and I do understand that they are “urging” developers to wait for the SDK because “it will be better for developers, Palm, carriers, and end users” but all that means is that it is easier for most people. The don’t seem to be telling developers not to do what they want to do, just that they would like to see official offerings. I don’t seem to think that Palm would care if a developer released a flashlight application for free using current rooting processes and then offered it in the App Store for free later. I could see them having issue with offering paid applications for free, but isn’t that what the iPhone jailbreaking is all about?

  10. Christopher Price

    Someone, iPhone doesn’t require Wi-Fi on apps under 10 MB, which account for over 95% of the App Store install base.

    I think that once the SDK is released, and developers start building large apps… that Sprint will likely enforce bandwidth constraints as well. I don’t know if they will be as onerous as the 10 MB restriction that AT&T demanded of Apple.

    Jailbreaking iPhone is hardly about pirating apps. While that is an abuse of it, this is not like game console piracy, where piracy outweighs homebrew application usage. In fact, on iPhone, it is quite the opposite. Millions of iPhone OS devices are jailbroken, only a small fraction of those run pirated apps. People like myself, all the way on up to Steve Wozniak, don’t jailbreak their devices to pirate.

    We jailbreak so we can use our phones as a modem legally (via FCC mandate), we jailbreak so we can Qik to record video (without buying an iPhone 3G S), and we jailbreak so we can emulate all the classic games that we already own.


    Palm Delays SDK Release, Dismisses Homebrew Developers and Hackers…

    Updates on the WebOS SDK…