Following up on Bloomberg’s initial report regarding Palm’s intentions to seek bids for a potential sale as soon as this week, Reuters has followed up with more news, which includes the revelation that network hardware manufacturer Cisco is now interested in purchasing the smartphone platform developer and manufacturer.
Palm is also said to be interested in finding and/or accepting additional investment from outside sources and is considering opening up third-party licensing for webOS in the same vein as its previous system for the former Palm/Garnet OS to manufacturers.
In other related news, Palm CTO Mitch Allen will be speaking next month at the MDB Capital Group’s Bright Lights Conference where he will discuss the manufacturer’s in-depth patent portfolio, which the aforementioned investment firm has valued at $1.5 billion, or $8-$9 a share using its proprietary comparitive analysis tool in PatentVest, taking into account its current market cap of $1.01 billion and $6 closing share price today following the initial news.
what a shame, but the WEB OS is great, maybe this will save the company. It is the only hope unless they get bought.