Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “New “Tether” USB Tether App for iPhone/BlackBerry/Android Now Available (Updated)”

  1. Jeff

    How does the speed compare to Apple’s built-in offering? I find the speed to be quite low in downtown Austin (1Mbps) compare to 2-3Mbps when I use the app.

  2. iTether app launches on iOS – Know Your Mobile

    […] a one-off fee of £10.49 to download the app and you also need to download the required …New “Tether” USB Tether App for iPhone/BlackBerry/Android Now AvailablePhoneNews.comiTether Is a Cross-Platform Wired Tethering Option for iOS, No Jailbreak […]

  3. Tether for Apple iOS Returns as HTML5 App |

    […] sold as a yearly subscription for access to the tunneling service for $30 a year.The service was previously available as a dedicated native app for the iPhone until it was delisted off of the App Store by Apple for […]