Microsoft Kin Pricing and Availability Detailed, Smartphone Data Plan Required

Pricing for the Microsoft Kin line of social networking oriented devices has appeared within the myriad of reviews for the device ahead of its official launch.

The Kin One will be offered for $149.99 with the Kin Two being offered for $199.99 before additional $100 mail-in rebates, bringing the totals to $49.99 and $99.99 via the online store beginning on Thursday May 6th. The devices will be then launched via the rest of Verizon’s sales channels beginning next Thursday, May 13th.

In the biggest stumble for the long-term success of the concept and lineup, Verizon is requiring a standard $29.99 smartphone data plan on top of the $39.99 minimum Nationwide voice plan instead of offering a custom data plan in the vein of the Sidekick data plan from which the Kin is modeled after.

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Microsoft Kin Pricing and Availability Detailed, Smartphone Data Plan Required”

  1. bladah29

    I wish Microsoft could get something right. Unbelievable.

  2. ray

    In further news, it is being reported that in addition to the Data plan being required, Microsoft is also requiring the naming of your first born to be Bill or Billarina as a proper show of respect.

  3. SaltyDawg

    Pretty sure Microsoft isn;t the one requiring a smartphone data plan, you can put that one squarely on Verizon.
    I think Microsoft was going out of their way to make a dumb phone. Verizon just chose to treat it like a smartphone.