Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

11 responses to “MetroPCS Marketing Collateral for BlackBerry Curve 8530”

  1. Kindred

    Is the launch date still set for the 19th?

  2. D.

    Yes is launch date still set for this Monday the 19th?

  3. mario ferreira

    Is this going to be available for Florida? I use a 8330 but I really want a BB with Wi-Fi enabled. Thank you!

  4. mario ferreira

    Is this going to be available for Florida? I live in Orlando and use a 8330 but I really want a BB with Wi-Fi enabled. Thank you!

  5. Marketing material for MetroPCS BlackBerry emerge | Prepaid Reviews

    […] is that it will work on Metro’s AWS network, while the 8330 worked only in Legacy markets. has the information. Buyers will get a $50 rebate, but it comes in the form of a prepaid Visa card. […]

  6. Christopher Price

    This model should be available in all markets. By adding AWS, MetroPCS finally has a BlackBerry that is compatible with their newer-market antenna bands.

  7. Kevon Mayers

    its tuesday and its not showing up on the website…did they just not update the website but its for sale in stores?

  8. VictorPCS

    The blackberry is on hold for most MetroPCS stores, wait till Friday.

  9. jay

    Just called it might be on hold till saturday 🙁

  10. kikyou

    can you watch videos on this phone… like youtube and stuff.

  11. LadyDubb

    does anyone know whether or not Metro will be releasing a 4g Blackberry anytime soon?? please let me know