Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

6 responses to “MetroPCS Adjusts Pricing on LTE, Adds Caps”

  1. wow

    wow, i thought i’d never see the day metro pcs would turn evil and have a data cap in place for its “unlimited” network. its like saying an all you can eat buffet with, but only with one plate, and 30 seconds to fill ur plate and be on ur way…thanks alot u greedy bastards.

  2. Mario

    No there is a misunderstanding what they mean by 1GB of data is for whats not recognized as normal web browsing, like VOD(Video On Demand) and I could guess Flash games over websites

  3. Christopher Price

    Mario, that is not what MetroPCS has told us. The 1 GB cap is for all usage.

  4. MetroPCS Complaints Filed for Net Neutrality Violations Due to New LTE Plans (Updated) |

    […] a fomal complaint against MetroPCS for violating net neutrality principles as a result of its recent service plan changes for its 4G LTE […]

  5. Daniel

    Metroweb should be defined as unlimited web access… you are not going to be unbound to do what ever you like on the web. They just give you web access of junk you don’t always need, and is sooooo slow I could literally make coffee and drink by the time I get to what I want in metroweb.

  6. Daniel

    Metroweb shouldn’t be defined as unlimited web access