Konami’s Metal Gear Solid Touch launched today for iPhone and iPod touch. And, it did so with a surprise: The game only costs $7.99 to own.
This comes as rumors persist that Apple will open a “Premium Games” section of the App Store, for large budget video games. However, all external appearances show that Apple benefits from an ecosystems where games are on an equal playing field with all other applications. Developers benefit from taking top slots on the Top 25/Top 50 section of the App Store, which comes naturally from the game’s popularity.
And, at a low cost, consumers benefit two. Apple’s revenue sharing model ensures no developers gain “sweetheart deals”, keeping royalties consistent for all developers. And, it attracts developers to push the limits of iPhone; Metal Gear Solid Touch carries graphics that rival its PlayStation 3 counterpart, Metal Gear Solid 4.
MGS Touch’s launch comes on the same day that new iPhone models have been located in the firmware files for iPhone OS 3.0. PhoneNews.com has confirmed that PowerVR is preparing multi-core GPU units for these upcoming models, allowing them to leverage the most powerful graphics system ever featured in a mobile device.
ive never seen it but it doesnt rival a ps3.. period… graphics is alot more than a picture..