Apple’s “Exchange for the rest of us”, MobileMe, is now up and running. We just successfully made a MobileMe account and connected it.
The setup process did release one interesting tidbit; Windows integration is all handled by iTunes 7.7. From iDisk to live synchronization, iTunes facilitates Mobile Me on your PC. The settings are contained in a new Windows Control Panel, aptly named MobileMe.
It is not clear how, if at all, iTunes users can chose to not install MobileMe onto their PCs with iTunes 7.7, should they chose to not use the MobileMe service.
If it’s like the other iTunes releases and wanting to get rid of all of the extra crap (AppleUpdater, Bonjour, QuickTime*, etc [and yes I know it has options to not install a lot of that, it still does anyways!]), the only way to not install it would be to edit the .msi using something like MS Orca. It’s a huge pain, but doable.
* I’m a QTA user.