Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “iPhone Pulled from Online Sales in New York City and Suburbs (Updated Again)”

  1. SaltyDawg

    Apple can’t be happy about that. I can’t imagine this will last long.

    When is AT&T’s exclusive contract up? I just can’t imagine either party wants to renew it if AT&T is pulling the device from the largest city in the nation.

  2. Christopher Price

    Speculation and rumors vary, but the exclusivity deal is expected to end sometime between June 2010 and January 2012.

    Apple has said they wish to renew the agreement with AT&T, but it may be grandstanding to secure a two-carrier agreement between AT&T and Verizon. Such an agreement would lock out Sprint and T-Mobile, but continue to give Apple price control over iPhone. It would also allow Apple to pursue a single 4G strategy around LTE.

    With iPhone using LTE exclusively for a 4G network, Apple would be in a unique position to revive their plans for an MVNO, one that pools AT&T and Verizon’s LTE footprints as they grow.

  3. SaltyDawg

    It will be interesting to see if Apple has any comments regarding the iPhone being pulled in New York…

    I imagine the execs at Apple were probably livid when they found out about the iPhone being pulled in the nation’s largest city.

  4. kantak

    Personally with the fcc possibly imposing fines to companies with devices that they can only carry might keep at&t from being sole carrier of the iphone. I had a iphone and personally there are better devices out there than it. The future we hold if apple with work with verizon. Personally if they do, at&t will lose millions of followers due to lack of network coverage and capacity!!